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State Secretary Dr Raščan presents Slovenia’s foreign policy strategy to students of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
State Secretary Dr Stanislav Raščan spoke at a round table discussion organised by the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for visiting students of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. He outlined the Foreign Policy Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in December 2021, and stressed the importance of multilateralism for global peace and security.
State Secretary Dr Raščan addresses the students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy on Slovenia’s foreign policy strategy

State Secretary Dr Raščan addresses the students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy on Slovenia’s foreign policy strategy | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

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During the round table discussion, the students learned the ins and outs of the strategy, entitled “Slovenia: safe, successful and globally respected”. It comprises a revised assessment of the international situation taking into account emerging challenges, particularly in the field of cybersecurity, hybrid threats and different forms of crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic. The document is a revision of the strategic document confirmed by the government in 2015 and based on the Declaration on Foreign Policy of the Republic of Slovenia adopted by the National Assembly in July 2015.

State Secretary Dr Raščan also discussed the important role of multilateral cooperation in fostering global peace and security, with particular reference to the war in Ukraine and its repercussions for Europe and the rest of the world. After his address, he responded to questions from the students.

In the introduction, the participants were welcomed by the Head of the Diplomatic Academy at the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Andraž Zidar and the Director of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy Dr Emil Brix.

The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna was established by Archduchess Maria Theresa during the Habsburg Monarchy in 1754. The oldest professional diplomatic school for international relations in the world has provided education to countless diplomats from all over the world, including many Slovenians.