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EU funding for multipurpose Roma centers as innovative learning environments

Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Multipurpose Roma centers as innovative learning environments. The project will foster flexible forms of learning; it will also support the provision of quality career guidance for students across all education levels.

A programme, that will be co-funded by the European Social Fund, will be delivered across the country by the Center for School and Outdoor Education to strengthen the skills and knowledge of Roma children enrolled in pre-primary education, primary education and secondary education so as to improve their inclusion and outcomes in both the education system and in society. As part of the project, co-financing will be available for the activities that lead to the development of innovative teaching practices and flexible forms of teaching and working with Roma children that will be targeted and tailored to the specific needs of this group. The developed teaching practices will be transferred into the learning environment of multipurpose Roma centers; the practices will build on respecting the principles of individualized, personalized and differentiated learning in the scope of both the basic school programme and the extended programme.