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Forest Week has begun with its main topic being ‘Forest care: today for tomorrow, for nature and people’

This year’s Forest Week (23–29 May 2022) focuses on forest care, which is the main tool guiding forest development as the foundation of diligent forest management. All properly maintained forests have a diligent owner and professional forester. Contemporary forest care takes into account conventional forest care principles, is geared towards the streamlining of measures, subjecting a portion of the forest stands to natural regeneration, and closely adapts to natural and social circumstances and to forest management objectives in an environment with an unstable climate.
Forest care: today for tomorrow, for nature and people’

Forest care: today for tomorrow, for nature and people | Author STO

Forest care: today for tomorrow, for nature and people

Slovenian forests are faced with major challenges resulting from increased societal needs for their material and non-material goods, all with an increasing amount of disruptions due to climate changes. Forestry’s key response to climate changes is adapting forest management, through which it aims to reduce the negative impacts of climate changes on forests and for forests to continue providing all their traditional functions in the future.

Sudden climate and social changes have a significant impact on the planning and provision of forest care, which helps us shape the future of forests. Contemporary forest care takes into account conventional forest care principles, is geared towards the streamlining of measures, subjecting a portion of the forest stands to natural regeneration, and closely adapts to natural and social circumstances and to forest management objectives in an environment with an unstable climate. Correct and timely care has a favourable influence on all aspects of forestry. The cultivation of good and healthy trees reinforces such aspects, providing forest products to society as a whole and generating revenue for forest owners.


Highlighted events during Forest Week 2022

Tuesday, 24 May – main event – ‘Forest care: today for tomorrow, for nature and people’ (Murska Hiša house at Magolnik); the event will be attended by representatives of forestry and environmental institutions, forest owners, nature conservationists and environmentalists, local community representatives and others. In the scope of joint planning and forest care, participants will learn of decisions that affect foresters during their management of forest development;

Wednesday, 25 May 2022 – Professional meeting Forest and Wood: Forest and Wood over time and in space (Slovenian Forestry Institute, Ljubljana);

Thursday, 26 May 2022 – Open Doors Day of the Slovenian Forestry Institute and the Central Unit of the Slovenian Forest Service (Večna pot 2, Ljubljana);

Friday, 27 May 2022 – Chat along the best path (Logarska Dolina);

Saturday, 28 May 2022 – End of Forest Week (Lisca).

The Slovenian Forest Service invites people to visit the country’s forest nature trails, which can be located through the Slovenian Forest Service’s trail index.

For additional information about the events during Forest Week visit the Slovenian Forest Service’s website and check out their poster and leaflet.