3rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Minister of Interior Tatjana Bobnar | Author UKOM
The Government has decided to draft an expert analysis of the legal bases that were used in minor offence proceedings against individuals due to violations of measures against the SARS-CoV-2 viral disease by the end of August. The analysis will be prepared by the Ministry of Justice together with the Ministry of the Interior and the Government Office for Legislation. The key measures will be the principles of constitutionality, legality and proportionality.
The Government revoked the decisions of the previous government from December 2021 on filing lawsuits to reimburse police costs at four protests. The Working Group of the State Attorney's Office advised the Ministry of the Interior not to file new lawsuits and that the already filed ones be withdrawn.
As of 10 June 2022, the Government appointed Peter Grum as the Acting Director-General of the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia until the appointment of the Director-General of the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia following a competition procedure, but for no more than six months, i.e. until 9 December 2022 at the latest.