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Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Threats

On 26 July, 2022 in New York, the Slovenian mission to the UN hosted a hybrid event entitled Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Threats: An Analysis of Appropriate Regulation, Good Practices, International Law and Norms, prepared by the Government Information Security Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Microsoft.

This was the launch of the summary report on the series of 4 events dedicated to different sectors of critical infrastructure in 2021, namely water, energy, health, and finance. Director Of the Government Information Security Office (URSIV) Dr Uroš Svete presented the main findings of the series of events organized last year. The main takeaways form this United Nations Open-Ended Working Group side event were these: Cybersecurity is a continuous process. Risk management needs to be at the heart of any approach we take. Multistakeholder approach is essential for effective cybersecurity.

Dr Svete, URSIV's director and the participants at a hybrid event

Hybrid event Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Threats | Author Urad Vlade RS za informacijsko varnost