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11th regular meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

At its today's meeting, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Proposed Act Governing Aid to Businesses Hit by High Increases in Electricity and Natural Gas Prices. They discussed the proposed Act Governing Temporary Measures to Remedy the Consequences of Price Increases for the Most Vulnerable Groups of the Population and approved the measures covered by the Act, which, however, will be finally adopted at tomorrow's correspondence meeting. The Government today also agreed the Proposed Amendment to the Protection against Natural and Other Disasters Act.
Luka Mesec, Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

Luka Mesec, Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities | Author Bor Slana/STA

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At today's meeting, the Government approved the text of the Proposed Act Governing Aid to Businesses Hit by High Increases in Electricity and Natural Gas Prices, which was drafted by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology together with private sector representatives on the basis of data from the World Bank and a review of measures taken by EU Member States. The Proposed Act provides for the state aid permissible under the Temporary Crisis Framework for State Aid Measures to support the economy following the aggression against Ukraine by Russia. The state will provide EUR 40 million for this purpose.

The Government agreed on the final text of the Proposed Act Governing Temporary Measures to Remedy the Consequences of Price Increases for the Most Vulnerable Groups of the Population and sent it to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia for consideration under the urgency procedure. In order to ensure higher social security for the most socially vulnerable groups of the population of the Republic of Slovenia, they propose temporary social security measures that will mitigate the consequences and impact of high energy and consumer prices during the heating season.

Today, the Government agreed the final text of the Proposed Amendment to the Protection against Natural and Other Disasters Act. The Government will send the Proposed Amendment to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia for consideration under the urgency procedure. The Act’s adoption is essential in order to regulate as soon as possible the reimbursement of costs incurred by all rescue teams participating in interventions when the scale of a natural disaster triggers the activation of the National Protection and Rescue Plan.