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Minister Mesec at the conference on the prevention of violence against women

As part of Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of Europe, a conference entitled 'No safe haven: Integrated prevention measures to end domestic, sexual and gender-based violence' was organised in Dublin between 29 and 30 September 2022. The conference was attended by Minister Luka Mesec who, in his message, highlighted as the central objective, "A Europe with zero tolerance for violence against women, whether taking place publicly, at work or within the family."

The purpose of the conference was to offer the Member States of the Council of Europe a platform to discuss how to efficiently prevent violence against women. The prevention of violence against women is one of the four fundamental pillars of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). The preventive measures are particularly aimed at long-term, strategic change in social relations and action towards preventing and combating all forms of violence against women. During the discussion, the ministers exchanged experience and good practices and signed a declaration on the basis of which the European Commission will draft a directive.

The prevention of violence against women and domestic violence has always been and is one of the priorities of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Numerous awareness-raising projects and campaigns are being carried out in Slovenia in this regard, involving various stakeholders, such as the police, NGOs, social work centres, ministries and others. Activities are conducted either throughout the entire year or focused on certain events (e.g. international days for the elimination of violence against women and girls). The purpose of these activities is to raise awareness about the unacceptability of violence, encourage victims to report violence, and provide information about the rights that victims have at their disposal and about police and court procedures.

By ratifying the Istanbul Convention in 2015, Slovenia has manifested its firm commitment to making a significant step forward in preventing violence against women and domestic violence. By adopting this important international document in the field of human rights protection of women and combating discrimination, the Republic of Slovenia has joined a group of the most progressive countries which have already ratified the Convention. In 2020, Slovenia drafted the first national report on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, which consisted of numerous measures contributing to the improvement of a comprehensive treatment of the victims of violence and preventive activities of raising awareness among the expert and wider public. One year later, Slovenia successfully presented the report before the independent monitoring mechanism of the Council of Europe, GREVIO. As per the GREVIO recommendations, the Republic of Slovenia will further monitor the urgency of adopting suitable policies and measures to prevent and eliminate violence against women and domestic violence in accordance with the provisions of the Istanbul Convention.