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The National Assembly adopted the Act Determining Intervention Measures in Education

  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
The National Assembly adopted the Act Determining Intervention Measures in Education, which includes additional measures to mitigate price increases.

The Act Determining Intervention Measures in Education governs the measures that will mitigate rising prices in:

  • accommodation fees in dormitories for secondary school students,
  • lunches in primary and secondary schools, and
  • subsistence costs in dormitories for university students.

At the presentation of the measures, Dr Igor Papič, the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, emphasised that the purpose of the Act was "to freeze the costs of lunches, accommodation fees and subsistence costs in dormitories, while the difference between the actual costs and the price charged will be covered from the budget. In this way, we will contribute significantly to reducing parents’ costs."

To ensure smooth operations of schools, the difference between the price of lunches, which was determined for the past school year and the price that will be determined for the current school year as per the regulations will be covered by the budget in this school year for primary and secondary schools in accordance with the Act. The state budget will also cover the difference between the initial price of accommodation fee that applied in the past school year and the initial price of the accommodation fee increased by the value of the price growth index of living costs and labour costs for secondary school and university dormitories in the 2022/2023 school year. The aim of this Act is to prevent social distress among primary and secondary school students and their families, so that the price of lunch for these students does not increase in the 2022/2023 school year and stays the same as in the 2021/2022 school year. The amendment to the Act also defines that secondary school and university students pay accommodation fee for staying in secondary school and university dormitories in the 2022/2023 school year in the amount of the initial price that applied between 1 January 2022 and 31 August 2022.

These measures are valid between 1 September 2022 and 31 August 2023. An additional EUR 18.1 million will be earmarked for the smooth operations of schools, secondary school and university dormitories in 2022 and 2023.