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Participation of the Slovenian artist Ms Eva Petrič in the Biwako Bienniale 2022

This year's Biwako Biennale is entitled "Origin". With this title, it returns to the origins of the world. The Slovenian artist Ms Eva Petrič is also exhibiting at the Biennale with the artwork "Incubator of E@motions, we all come from this heart...". The heart as the centre of all networks, surrounded by a tree made of Slovenian lace.
Tina Vodnik, artist Eva Petrič, and the President of the Biennale and Mayor of Omihachiman city Osamu Konishi

Tina Vodnik, artist Eva Petrič, and the President of the Biennale and Mayor of Omihachiman city Osamu Konishi | Author Tomoko Yamaya

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Ms Tina Vodnik, Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tokyo, attended the opening of the Biennale and met Ms Eva Petrič.

On the sidelines of the Biennale, she also met with the Mayor of Omihachiman and the Biennale Chairman, Mr Osamu Konishi, and the Biennale Director, Ms Yoko Nakata. They discussed cultural cooperation between Slovenia and Japan and the participation of Slovenian artists in the Biennale. The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia also became a nominal supporter of the Biennale.

More about the participation of Slovenian artist Ms Eva Petrič in the Biwako Biennale available at this link.