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The Government issues the Decree on the criteria to define and assess the number of households in energy poverty

The purpose of the Decree on the criteria to define and assess the number of households in energy poverty is to contribute to a high-quality planning and implementing of energy and social policy in the field of energy poverty.
Energy inefficient light bulb

Contribution to better planning and implementation of social policy in the field of energy supply. | Author Cryptographer /

The latter is coming to the forefront as a challenge that must be addressed immediately at this time of high energy prices. A just transition of the most vulnerable members of the public to a low-carbon society and sustainable economy will thus be ensured in the long term.

The European Union has no joint definition of the concept of energy poverty, nor a joint indicator for it, as well as no special joint European policy to deal with this issue.

The Decree provides more detailed criteria for defining and assessing the number of energy-poor households. These include material vulnerability, a large share of energy expenditure in relation to available income or exceeding the average proportion of energy expenditure, low energy efficiency of household premises and unsuitable living conditions.

According to the new Decree, energy poverty is defined as a situation in which a household with an income that is lower than the poverty risk threshold cannot meet its basic energy needs due to unsuitable living conditions, the inability to meet these needs at affordable prices or low energy efficiency of living quarters. In particular, basic energy needs include the costs of heating, sanitary water preparation, cooling, cooking and lighting.

In possible tender documents, households will be defined as energy poor based on more detailed evidence, such as the decision on cash social assistance regarding material vulnerability, the decision on income support or other evidence proving that income is lower than the poverty risk threshold; low energy efficiency of household premises will be proven with an energy performance certificate or another expert document demonstrating independently the energy efficiency of the living quarters, or a statement by an energy consultant that the apartment has low energy efficiency; the unsuitability of living conditions will be evidenced with photos and a statement of the household; significant expenses for energy as per the available income of the household will be demonstrated with documents revealing the household’s monthly financial situation.


The assessed proportion and number of energy poor households in the Republic of Slovenia will be drafted annually by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of the poverty risk threshold definition. The measures for implementing support to improve energy efficiency in order to reduce energy poverty will be carried out by the ministry responsible for energy on the basis of the foregoing information.