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“Green light” for Slovenian 2023-2027 CAP Strategic Plan

European Commission endorsed today the Slovenian 2023-2027 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan (SN SKP 2023–2027). This is the key agricultural policy strategic document, on which basis in the next programming period Slovenia is going to provide for long-term food security, green breakthrough, sustainable development of Slovenian agriculture, forestry, food industry, and sustainable rural development.

On endorsement of the key Slovenian national document for implementation of common agricultural policy in the next programming period, the Minister, Ms. Irena Šinko, declared:

“Slovenia has been in the first third of European Member States to submit the strategic plans. It gives me great pleasure that the European Commission endorsed the Slovenian Strategic Plan today. The endorsement of this document means recognition to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF) on the right substantive decisions, on the right direction of development of Slovenian agriculture and rural areas, and not least the well-done team work with all the significant stakeholders.”

In preparing the SN SKP 2023–2027 CAP Strategic Plan, Slovenia pursued three overarching (and nine specific) CAP targets defined by the acquis – competitiveness and resilience of the agricultural sector, nature conservation, environment protection, climate protection, and sustainable rural development. As envisaged, Slovenia will commence implementing the Strategic Plan as from 1 January 2023.

On endorsement of the Slovenian Strategic Plan, the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski, pointed out: “I congratulate Slovenia on the adoption of the CAP Strategic Plan, providing clarity for farmers before the start of implementation on 1 January 2023. I would like to extend my thanks for the excellent preparatory work and the very constructive dialogue that has contributed to improvements of the Plan, bringing about the transition to a sustainable, resilient and modern European agricultural sector.”

The SN 2023–2027 CAP Strategic Plan guarantees the conditions for the resilient and competitive food production and processing, in particular by maintaining the production potential and scope of agricultural land, by provision of a fair and stable income of agricultural holdings, and by ensuring a more equal position of agricultural producers through abolition of payment entitlements. On adjusted conditions, young farmers will be in a position to start up and modernise farms to improve their income situation, facilitated by Slovenia’s endeavours of generational renewal of Slovenian agriculture. Measures to tackle the environment and climate challenges are most ambitious so far and aimed at safeguarding and sustainable management of natural resources, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, and biodiversity conservation.

For implementation of SN 2023–2027, a total of EUR 1,798,311,677 will be available. Thereof, EUR 683,500,469 will be dedicated to the first CAP Pillar (direct payments, the wine sector, and the beekeeping sector), and to the second CAP Pillar (rural development), EUR 1,114,811,208 (EUR 550,850,960 from the European Union Budget, and EUR 563,960,248 from the National Budget of the Republic of Slovenia). Of EUR 563,960,248 of the integral budget, the current Government has provided the additional 40.5 million euros.

Accessible via the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) website is the Slovenian 2023–2027 CAP Strategic Plan, including all the Annexes: Slovenian 2023-2027 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan (SN SKP 2023–2027) – in Slovene language.