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Award ceremony for the highest state prizes and awards in science

  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Fifteen prizes and awards of the Republic of Slovenia for outstanding achievements in scientific research and development were presented at an award ceremony held at Cankarjev dom.

The Awards and Prizes Committee, presided by Nataša Vaupotič, decided that fifteen prizes would be presented at this year’s award ceremony:

  • two Zois Lifetime Achievement Awards: Radovan Komel and Marijan Pavčnik;
  • Puh Lifetime Achievement Award: Uroš Stanič;
  • four Zois Prizes for Outstanding Achievements: Nada Lavrač, Maja Ravnikar, Ester Heath, Bojan Kuzma;
  • Puh Prize for outstanding achievements: Janez Demšar and Blaž Zupan;
  • six Zois Awards for Outstanding Achievements: Lenart Škof, Blaž Likozar, Tea Lanišnik Rižner, Rok Žitko, Lidija Čuček, Matej Praprotnik;
  • Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia Award: Nataša Obermajer.

Zois Lifetime Achievement Award

Marijan Pavčnik

The Zois Lifetime Achievement Award for work in the theory of law and the state and philosophy of law

Professor Marijan Pavčnik has made a significant contribution to the development of legal theory and the understanding of law in Slovenia.

Radovan Komel

Zois Lifetime Achievement Award for work on living beings

Radovan Komel is one of the founders of medical molecular biology and genetics, as well as genetic engineering in biochemistry and biotechnology in Slovenia.

Puh Lifetime Achievement Award

Uroš Stanič

Puh Lifetime Achievement Award for work in the field of functional electrical stimulation and robotisation

Uroš Stanič was a pioneer in the development of functional electrical stimulators, Slovenian industrial robots and robotisation.

Zois Award for Outstanding Achievements

Nada Lavrač

Zois Award for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of machine learning

Nada Lavrač's outstanding achievement is in her work on original data representation methods for efficient machine learning.

Maja Ravnikar

Zois Award for scientific research and developments in the field of microbial biotechnology

Maja Ravnikar has contributed to revolutionary advances in the detection and dissemination of viruses, diagnostics and the elimination of pathogenic viruses.

Ester Heath

Zois Award for outstanding achievements in the use of organic analysis in the fields of environment, food and health

The excellence of Ester Heath's research lies in the integration of chemistry, environment and cleaning technologies, and health and food in the field of research on the cycling and residue effects of new priority organic pollutants.

Bojan Kuzma

Zois Award for outstanding achievements in the field of linear algebra

Bojan Kuzma's scientific publications have laid new foundations in the understanding of two important mathematical properties – commutativity and orthogonality.

Puh Award for outstanding achievements

Janez Demšar and Blaž Zupan

Puh Award for outstanding achievements for developing the Orange data analytics and machine learning tool

The Orange programme, whose development is led by Slovenian researchers Janez Demšar and Blaž Zupan, is making a significant contribution to the global data revolution and the democratisation of artificial intelligence through innovations in data analytics.

Zois Award for Outstanding Achievements

Lenart Škof

Zois Award for outstanding scientific monographs in the field of contemporary philosophy and ethics

In an international context, Lenart Škof's works represent an original contribution to contemporary philosophy and ethics based on the phenomenon of breath and the ontology of love.

Blaž Likozar

Zois Award for an important scientific contribution in the field of chemical engineering

Blaž Likozar's work accelerates the advancement of chemical engineering for sustainable economic growth, and the transition to a low-carbon, circular society.

Tea Lanišnik Rižner

Zois Award for important achievements in the field of biochemistry and molecular endocrinology of gynaecological cancers

Tea Lanišnik Rižner has made an important contribution to developments in biochemistry and molecular endocrinology in the field of gynaecological cancers.

Rok Žitko

Zois Award for developing the theory of nanoscopic quantum systems

Rok Žitko has developed a numerical method with which he solved the previously intractable problems of quantum impurities and electronic devices composed of quantum dots, which is of great importance for the development of superconducting circuits and spintronics.

Lidija Čuček

Zois Award for important achievements in the field of process systems engineering

Lidija Čuček has developed new methods and concepts in process systems engineering, a scientific discipline that describes the behaviour of systems through mathematical modelling, planning and optimisation.

Matej Praprotnik

Zois Award for important achievements in multiscale modelling and simulation of soft and biological matter

Matej Praprotnik is an internationally renowned researcher in the field of computer simulation methods, who introduced multiscale molecular dynamics simulation to Slovenia and extended its applicability to biomolecular systems such as proteins and DNA molecules surrounded by solvent molecules.

Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia Award

Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia Award for research and development of innovative cancer immunotherapies

Nataša Obermajer

Nataša Obermajer is an internationally renowned scientist who is actively contributing to the development of innovative cancer medicines – in particular cancer immunotherapy, by combining basic and translational research.