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30th regular session of the Government

The Government adopted a decision on the implementation of the national spatial plan for the Dolenja Vas wind farm and approved the calendar of state celebrations in 2023. It also decided to organise a funeral with military honours for Janez Zemljarič.

The Government adopted a decision on the implementation of the national spatial plan for the Dolenja Vas wind farm. The procedure for the preparation and adoption of the national spatial plan for the Dolenja Vas wind farm will be carried out on the basis of Articles 84 and 90 of the Spatial Planning Act. The main objective of the planned spatial development is to build a wind farm and thereby contribute to the increase in electricity production from renewable sources. The area of the planned spatial development is located in the Divača Municipality.

The Government approved the calendar of state celebrations for 2023 prepared by the Coordination Committee for State Celebrations and Events. The following celebrations will be held: the state celebration on Prešeren Day, the Slovenian Cultural Holiday, the state celebration marking the Day of Uprising Against Occupation, the state celebration marking Slovenian Statehood Day, the Reformation Day state celebration, the state celebration marking Rudolf Maister Day, and the state celebration on the occasion of Independence and Unity Day.

The Government decided to organise a funeral with military honours for Janez Zemljarič. The funeral will be held in accordance with the Rules of Service of the Slovenian Armed Forces.

The proposal to organise a funeral with military honours for Janez Zemljarič was lodged by Marjan Šiftar and other initiators, members of the Executive Council of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia between 1980 and 1984. In his explanatory statement Šiftar wrote: "Janez Zemljarič was the former President of the Executive Council of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia (1980–1984) who, while successfully performing many responsible tasks in political and public life and advocating for the economic and general development and the welfare of Slovenia, operatively managed major projects of lasting national importance, such as the organisation of the construction of the Cankarjev Dom Cultural and Congress Centre, the construction of the Clinical Centre Ljubljana, the Ljubljana bypass and the Tivoli Hall, the beginning of the construction of the motorway cross, and the promotion of an export-oriented economy on world markets."