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9th inventory of basic food prices shows a marginal decrease in the basket price

The results of the ninth inventory of basic food products made on 3 January 2023 are published on the “Our Superfood” website. The analyses of the inventory reveal a minimal reduction in the basic food basket and in the fruit and vegetables basket. However, a comparison of price trends over the last two weeks reveals concrete price increases for meat.

Compared to the previous inventory, the average value of the cheapest basket of basic food has decreased by EUR 0.04 to EUR 44.12, while the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive basket among traders has increased significantly to just under EUR 10.

For most retailers, there is no difference between promotional and regular prices in the cheapest basket, except for two where the promotional and regular baskets are EUR 2.01 and EUR 0.40 cheaper than the regular ones.

The results of this inventory reveal that meat has become noticeably more expensive in 2022 compared to the last census. On average, pork is 33.19% more expensive and beef 12.68% more expensive. For chicken meat, the price increase is not as extreme, but still shows a rise of almost one percent.

Over the whole price monitoring period (comparing 13 September 2022 to 3 January 2023), the value of the average cheapest basket of basic food has fallen by just under 12 percent (EUR 5.78) to EUR 44.12 at the latest census. Otherwise, the results show that from the start of the monitoring to the last census, the most expensive items have increased in price: cheese (22.49 percent), potatoes (13.64 percent), flour (8.21 percent), bread (4.60 percent), pasta (2.69 percent) and sunflower oil (0.58 percent). Sugar (45.54%) and eggs (12.82%) rose the most.

A look at the share of products within each group by origin shows that three retailers have the most products of Slovenian origin. However, all retailers offer products of exclusively Slovenian origin in the categories of beef, eggs and yoghurt. Otherwise, the majority of products within each category are of Slovenian origin, with the exception of sugar, butter, cheese, sunflower oil and pasta.

An analysis of the fruit and vegetables basket shows that the average value has decreased by EUR 0.50, or 1.64%, to EUR 29.81 compared to the last inventory (19 December 2022). However, the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive basket of fruit and vegetables has decreased and currently stands at EUR 10.68.