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Our beloved, long-time colleague Igor Grlicarev passed away at the end of last year

For the past 18 years, Igor Grlicarev has been the head of the International Cooperation Service at SNSA. In this role, he has combined his professional knowledge, vast practical experiences, and various personal connections at home and abroad in communication with international and domestic experts.

Igor began his professional career at Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) in 1991 as an inspector for nuclear safety. He had to undergo intensive training both at home (Jožef Stefan Institute) and abroad, especially in the United States, which is a technology supplier for the Krško Nuclear Power Plant.

Being naturally gifted and as a physicist with the master's degree obtained in the United Kingdom, he was able to easily understand and absorb new knowledge in the demanding field of nuclear safety. He was always happy to share his knowledge with his colleagues and co-workers at SNSA. He also used his knowledge, as an expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to teach courses or perform various tasks for the agency as well as other international organizations. As an internationally recognized expert, he regularly participated in international review missions for IAEA, particularly in missions for integrated regulatory review of nuclear and radiation safety in IAEA member states as well as in emergency preparedness and response missions.

At SNSA, he continued his career by leading the Emergency Management Division. With his knowledge, he established solid foundations for the further development of the field of emergency preparedness and response in case of a nuclear or radiological accident. He shared his knowledge in this field throughout his entire professional career at SNSA, both at home and abroad, and was also a member of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Slovenia.

For the past 18 years, Igor has been the head of the International Cooperation Service at SNSA. In this role, he has combined his professional knowledge, vast practical experiences, and various personal connections at home and abroad in communication with international and domestic experts. Igor had a gift for work in the field and had a refined sense on how to communicate to achieve the desired outcome of even the most demanding topics or in demanding circumstances. With his successful work and professional reputation, he also raised the reputation of SNSA and Slovenia in the international environment. He was the main coordinator of all activities in the SNSA's various international assistance projects for similar foreign administrative bodies, through which foreign experts acquired and improved their expertise in the field of nuclear and radiation safety.

Igor Grlicarev was a man of many virtues. From an early age, everyone who met him recognized his tremendous talents and virtues along with his calm and gentlemanly behaviour. He was reading and writing at four, easily learned languages, and excelled in mathematics, physics, and biology. His colleagues at the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration also noticed this, as Igor had exceptional knowledge and even more extraordinary memory, even at the stage of life when many people start to have memory problems.

In our eyes, he was one of those rare individuals who are characterized by tolerance, calm and careful consideration, and humaneness towards his co-workers and all others with whom he came into contact in our joint work. As such, he often had a calming influence on all of us and was able to guide and encourage us.

It should be emphasized that he always demonstrated his expertise in a way that we could all learn from him. In addition to his professionalism, he consistently showed his broad-mindedness, human quality, so rare and valuable in today's world. He never grandstanded his qualities that we managed to catch them incidentally during conversations with him, and at the same time marvelled at his encyclopaedic knowledge.

Igor got along well with everyone and left a gap in our lives that will be difficult to fill. He was always a pleasant company, always full of interesting stories, mischievous humour, and life wisdom.

Dear Igor, we will miss you greatly.