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Slovenia becomes ECOSOC member for the 2023–2025 period

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
At the start of the year, Slovenia became a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the 2023–2025 period. This is Slovenia's first membership of this UN body, which coordinates the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

As a member, Slovenia will work to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and contribute to finding appropriate solutions to global challenges. It will give priority to three thematic areas: social inequality and human rights, building resilient societies (post-pandemic recovery, food and energy security, climate change) and water for sustainable development. It will also work for the right to a healthy environment and defend gender equality, women's and children's rights, the rights of the elderly and the empowerment of young people.

ECOSOC membership also provides a unique opportunity for Slovenia to enhance its cooperation with other members. Special attention will be devoted to developing countries, including the least developed and small island developing states that can also be reached through development cooperation and humanitarian aid programmes. Slovenia can support their development, especially in areas where it has the knowledge and best practices that are also supported institutionally (e.g. education and artificial intelligence).

Composed of 54 members, ECOSOC is one of the main UN bodies, engaging more than 1600 NGOs with consultative status. ECOSOC oversees a number of UN bodies, regional economic and social commissions and functional commissions, as well as specialised agencies, programmes and funds dedicated to the implementation of development commitments.