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32nd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

At today's session the Government adopted the Decree on compulsory health insurance service programmes, the capacities required for their implementation and the volume of funds for 2023. It also confirmed the final estimate of the direct damage to property caused by the floods of last September.

The Government issued the Decree on compulsory health insurance service programmes, the capacities required for their implementation and the volume of funds for 2023. The Decree expands programmes in certain areas, defines the method of financing of individual programmes and includes the obligations of providers of healthcare services, as well as the obligations of the Health Insurance Institute (ZZZS) in relation to programmes and the provision of healthcare services covered by compulsory health insurance. A total of EUR 119.9 million will be allocated for the implementation of the aforementioned measures and changes in 2023, of which approximately EUR 105 million will go towards compulsory health insurance and the rest for supplementary health insurance.

The Government confirmed the final estimate of the direct damage to property cause by the floods that affected as many as 59 municipalities between 15 and 18 September last year. The direct damage to property amounts to a total of EUR 27.9 million. Because the direct damage caused by the September floods exceeds 0.3 per thousand of the planned revenue of the state budget for 2022, the limit that triggers the use of state budget funds in accordance with the Natural Disaster Recovery Act has been reached. The government has thus instructed the competent ministries to draft a programme to eliminate the consequences of direct damage. The relevant state commission has established that municipalities in the regions of Dolenjska, Gorenjska, Koroška, Ljubljana, Notranjska, Podravje, northern Primorska, eastern Štajerska, western Štajerska and Zasavje were affected by the floods. The damage to agricultural land has been estimated at EUR 158,370.27, partial damage to buildings at EUR 559,048.69, damage to civil engineering structures at EUR 5,493,193.07, damage to watercourses at EUR 18,323,737.09, damage to forest roads at EUR 346,877.13 EUR, damage to state roads at EUR 2,946,404.35 and damage to businesses at EUR 64,314.08. Damage to cultural heritage is included in the estimate of partial damage to buildings made by municipal commissions.