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Public Call for Applications for scholarships for nationals of Nepal to study in Slovenia

Slovenia will award one scholarship for nationals of Nepal for master degree programme in Slovenia for the academic year 2023/2024.

The scholarship will cover tuition fee (in the respective amount but not more than EUR 5,000 per individual academic year) and other costs that include health insurance, accommodation, meals, study materials and local transport (in the amount of EUR 700 per month, i.e. in the total amount of EUR 8.400,00 per academic year). Students may be accommodated in student housing provided by authorized Slovene providers and subject to availability. The costs of travel to Slovenia, visa or residence permit fees and the recognition of foreign higher education credentials or diplomas are not covered and are to be borne by the students. The scholarship will be provided for the entire duration of the study programme.

The call for applications by the Slovene Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund Ad futura is already open. Candidates may apply to all master's programmes in Slovenia that have available slots for foreign students. This Call for Applications has a rolling deadline, and is open until all available funds have been allocated. If in five years from the publication of this call, not all funds are used, the call closes and the applications are no longer possible.

The call for enrolment for the academic year 2023/2024 will be published on the websites of individual departments (called faculties in Slovenia) and/or universities from February onwards. Students themselves should check for the relevant information on the university websites and their international offices. As faculties are somewhat decentralized from the main university administration, students need to also check the websites of individual departmental (faculty) international offices.

Most postgraduate study programmes do not specifically require the knowledge of Slovenian language; however, candidates are advised to contact individual departments or their international offices for further information. Furthermore, candidates are strongly encouraged to contact the international offices of departments before applying to a study programme to discuss the possibility of preparing the necessary documents and to inquire about the required certificates and foreign higher education qualifications.

Relevant departments may ask candidates to submit additional documents. The selection procedure and the recognition of documents and diplomas is within the purview of individual departments. The certificate of acceptance to a postgraduate programme is a condition for the award of a scholarship.

Age limit: Candidates should not be older than 27 years; i. e. on the day of their first enrolment in an educational programme (1 October 2023), they must not have reached the age of 28 years.

Applicants living abroad during the procedure under this Call for Applications must grant power of attorney to a person residing in Slovenia. Generally, the Slovene authorities conduct business in Slovene, and all documents issued by Ad futura are in Slovene.

Public call (Slovene) (English)

Additional information:

Ad future - Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije
Dunajska 20
1000 Ljubljana
Contact person: Indira Džopa, Tel: +3861/434-58-93

International offices of public universities in Slovenia:

University of Ljubljana:
University of Maribor:
University of Primorska:

More information on the call for enrolment:

Public universities:

Private universities: