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41th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

At today's regular session, the Government took note of the starting points, priorities and dynamics of the negotiations with the representative trade unions of the public sector. It also adopted the starting points for the adjustment of the Recovery and Resilience Plan and decided to make available EUR 50 million in SID Bank’s loans to companies affected by the energy crisis.
Government session

Government session | Author Government Communication photo

The Government took note of the starting points, priorities and dynamics of negotiations with the representative trade unions of the public sector. The Minister of Public Administration, Sanja Ajanović Hovnik, will inform the trade unions of the content on Monday.

The Government also adopted the starting points for the adjustment of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in order to remove content items from the plan in the amount of EUR 286 million. The Government will also seek other sources of funding (e.g. from the European Cohesion Policy for the 2021-2027 programming period) for the items to be removed from the plan that are considered important for Slovenia's recovery.

The Government has also decided to make available EUR 50 million in loans from SID Bank under the Loan Fund (LF1) to companies affected by the energy crisis.