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Prime Minister’s Office launches the Strategic Council for the Prevention of Hate Speech

In an effort to raise the level of communication, promote respectful dialogue and eliminate hate speech, Prime Minister Robert Golob established the Strategic Council for the Prevention of Hate Speech, which held its inaugural meeting today.

The aims of the Strategic Council are to address the issue of hate speech, prevent it and, where appropriate, propose the imposition of sanctions. The Strategic Council brings together representatives of the competent ministries and civil society and experts. “We have finally reached the point where we have managed to bring all the actors together. The Strategic Council brings together the civil initiative or experts on the one hand and the relevant government structures on the other. The aim is to get an independent view of our policies,” said Prime Minister Golob after the Strategic Council meeting.

The main tasks of the Strategic Council are to monitor hate speech in Slovenia and at the EU level and to prepare proposals for measures to prevent it; to advise on the formulation of policies, changes in legislation and other measures that will contribute to more effective prevention of hate speech; and to participate in the drafting of proposals for systemic changes and a model for a network of campaigns and training at both regional and national levels.

The Chair of the Strategic Council, Nika Kovač, stressed the importance of establishing the body: “This independent consultative body recognises for what it is and commits to the need for taking appropriate action against hate and hostile speech. We are all committed to concrete work and concrete results. We have joined our efforts to combat hate speech and strive for a more tolerant society.”

Prime Minister Robert Golob called on everyone, especially politicians and public figures, to be as aware as possible in their public appearances of the harmful consequences of hate speech for society as a whole. “And they should strictly avoid it, so that we consistently try to bring respect back into our public dialogue,” the Prime Minister concluded.

The other members of the Strategic Council are:

  • Katarina Bervar Sternad,
  • Petra Bevek,
  • Ajda Bezenšek Špetič
  • Breda Gačnik,
  • Dr Gregor Hudrič,
  • Tina Kosi,
  • Petra Kovačec,
  • Lenart J. Kučić,
  • Andreja Lang,
  • Kristina Pahor de Maiti,
  • Dr Marko Milosavljević,
  • Brankica Petković,
  • Dr Dragan Petrovec,
  • Tatjana Pirc,
  • Dr Barbara Rajgelj,
  • Dr Kaja Širok and
  • Boštjan Vernik Šetinc.

According to the Act establishing and appointing the members of the Strategic Council for the Prevention of Hate Speech, the members of the council may also invite external experts with specific knowledge and competences in various fields to participate and contribute to the debate. The composition of the Strategic Council may also be expanded as necessary.