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Report of the EPREV follow-up mission on preparedness and response for a nuclear and radiological emergency in Slovenia

The Government of Slovenia took note of the report of the Slovenia Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) on the EPREV follow-up mission activities (Emergency Preparedness REView follow-up) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the field of preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency. The mission was undertaken from 3-7 October 2022. 14 response organizations have participated in the review. The EPREV follow-up mission team consisted of five experts from Canada, Belgium, Ireland, Netherland, Spain, and the IAEA.

The review team observed an overarching commitment to emergency preparedness and noted that Slovenia has made significant progress in developing and revising emergency arrangements since the 2017 EPREV mission. The mission experts estimated, that much as 90% of the action plan was implemented, respectively 28 of 31 tasks are completed.

The EPREV team highlighted the following accomplishments:

  • The draft National Emergency Response Plan, which is soon to be adopted by the Government, was prepared and updated in a coordinated manner.
  • The Protection Strategy, adopted in 2021, was recognized as good practice, also because it is closely based on international standards.
  • The second good practice was the conduct of exercise KiVA in 2022, which provided an opportunity to test response to cyber-attacks against a nuclear power plant. The review team recognized that this novel exercise strengthened the foundations for nuclear security, specifically in computer security in nuclear power plants.

The final IAEA report will be published on the SNSA and IAEA website.