Move for a Healthier Life
Since 1987, the physical fitness and physical development of Slovenian children and adolescents attending primary and secondary school has been monitored annually through the Sport Education Card (ŠVK - »Športnovzgojni karton«) programme, which was later upgraded with the online application My SLOfit. This enables lifelong monitoring of physical performance.
Gregor Jurak, professor at the Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana and head of the SLOfit research group, has observed a sharp deterioration in the results entered into the Sport Education Card in the recent years, and warns that Slovenia is losing its competitive advantage in this respect due to the deterioration of children's physical abilities. He considers that this will result in lower labour productivity, as both the mental and physical health of the population will deteriorate. However, in his opinion, this can be changed with investments in physical activity, and especially in physical performance.
The data from the latest report of the SLOfit group show that Slovenian children are still among the most physically capable within the 57 analysed countries.
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