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On May 20th, we celebrate the 6th World Bee Day

On Saturday, Slovenia and all the World will for the sixth time be celebrating the World Bee Day, proclaimed on 20 December 2017 by the United Nations General Assembly. The main purpose of the World Bee Day is to raise the awareness of global general public on the significance of bees and other pollinators for the entire human race, in the light of food security, global hunger elimination, and protection of the environment and biodiversity.
The bee is flying.

World Bee Day. | Author Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano.

World Bee Day proclamation is the result of good cooperation between the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association as the initiator, the Republic of Slovenia, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the extensive European and broader international support of countries and organisations, inter alia, Apimondia (International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations / Mednarodna zveza čebelarskih organizacij). To Slovenia, the annual celebration of the World Bee Day is a most important priority at home and abroad, by stimulating the promotion of significance of bees and wild pollinators, thus calling on general public to raise awareness and strengthen activities for their conservation. By celebrating this year’s World Bee Day, we are endeavouring to disseminate to general public the fact that bees and pollinators are extremely important for the survival of human race on this Planet, and they are endangered in many countries and regions, due to different reasons (climate change in particular).

As pointed out at Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association, the initiator of the World Bee Day, the main objective of this day is not only to celebrate, but to raise the awareness of general public of the fact that:

  • Bees and other pollinators are extremely important,
  • In the recent years, bees are endangered in many areas, and
  • What as a community and individuals we need to do in order to conserve the bees and pollinators for the future.

A list of activities to improve the survival of the bees and other pollinators:

  • Planting the autochthonous melliferous plants (the list is accessible via the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association (ČZS – Čebelarska zveza Slovenije) website,
  • Sowing and planting the melliferous plants for ornamental purposes,
  • Maintaining grassland with higher plant diversity,
  • Sowing melliferous plants on grassland,
  • Mowing blossoming plants after fading,
  • Purchasing honey and other apiary products at beekeepers in the proximity,
  • Moral support of beekeepers,
  • Renouncing an adequate agricultural-land site for temporary or permanent settlement of honeybees,
  • Dropping the use of pesticides, which are detrimental to bees, and
  • Mulching of blossoming plants in orchards and vineyards prior to pesticide spraying.
When to
Where Presidential Palace, Prešernova 8, Ljubljana

‘Golden Bee’ Award Presentation

The third presentation of the ‘Golden Bee’ / Zlata čebela (Aurea Apis) Award will take place this year, thus concluding the first 3-year period of the areas in which the Republic of Slovenia is granting the Award.

When to
Where Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana

The golden age of Plečnik’s architecture

On the 150th anniversary of the birth of architect Dr. Jože Plečnik, the Slovene Ethnographic Museum is putting on display a selection of photographs of his architectural masterpieces realised in Slovenia. This involves material produced by three exceptional photographers, contemporaries of Plečnik, which today forms part of the museum's documentation collection.

When to
Where Dvorana Golovec, Dečkova cesta 1, Celje

6th World Bee Day Celebration

Central celebration of the World Bee Day at national level will take place within the framework of the traditional Beekeepers’ Festivity, which is organised every year on a Saturday that is closest to the 20th of May and, this year, on the very World Bee Day.