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20 may 2023 – Opportunity to grasp the initiative in protecting honeybees and other pollinators from extinction

Tomorrow, the attention of all the World is going to be dedicated to honeybees and other pollinators, with an increasingly important role in seeking solutions for food security, global hunger elimination, and protection of the environment and biodiversity.
The bee is flying.

World Bee Day. | Author Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano.

More and more we realize it today that without honeybees and other pollinators the diversity and fullness of flavours on our plates would not be a matter of course, nor the plentifulness of the spring meadows and Nature in its versatile diversity. In this respect, we are sure of the positive contribution of the World Bee Day which had, on the initiative of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association and by help of the Republic of Slovenia, on 20 December 2017 been proclaimed by the UN General Assembly. Slovenia named the 20th of May after the bees also because Mr Anton Janša was born on this very day, and he was a pioneer of contemporary beekeeping, and one of the greatest bee-experts.

Fact is that every third spoonful of global food depends on pollination. Thus, from the environmental and economic point of view, the bees and other pollinators are irreplaceable. By performing the eco-systemic service of crossbreeding the non-related plants, they secure the reproduction and biodiversity of a multitude of varieties of the cultivated and wild plant species. Bees and other pollinators constitute an important source of income for farmers and in economy, by securing and generating new jobs in agriculture and in rural areas, which is of particular importance in developing countries.

Pollinators being a good bioindicator of the actual situation in the environment, one may grow rather concerned at warnings from globally recognised international organizations as to the imperilment and decimation of bee and other pollinator populations. In addition to being exposed to pests and diseases, the habitat of bees and other pollinators is shrinking due to growing global human populations and climate change. Now, considering that man is the perpetrator of this situation, then this should mean that man should find the solution to this problem.

Proclamation of the World Bee Day is an important upgrading and interlinking of countries in the care for bees and other pollinators at global level. Through the World Bee Day we endeavour to raise global awareness of the importance of bees and wild pollinators and, by common endeavours of countries at international level, to contribute to their protection. Another goal is to contribute to the resolution of global problems – a transition to sustainable agriculture, and to elimination of poverty and hunger in developing countries.

Global awareness raising on the importance of bees and other pollinators is one of the numerous activities conducted in Slovenia. The situation can significantly be improved by stimulating sustainable agriculture and beekeeping, professional training of beekeepers, by adapting the approaches and technologies in apiculture, and by planting melliferous plants with greater resistance against the changing climate.

In addition to the rather well conserved nature and biodiversity, there is abundant cultural heritage in Slovenia and includes numerous Slovenian beekeepers, who have been loving and respecting the honeybees for centuries. Bees and pollinators are key to maintaining natural balance and human lives on this Planet.

The Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association has in longstanding tradition and outstanding perceptivity been contributing to the development of apiculture and spreading knowledge to the youngest ones, which is reflected in the large number of young and older professional apiarists and amateur beekeepers, and in the novel urban beekeeping.

When to
Where Dvorana Golovec, Dečkova cesta 1, Celje

6th World Bee Day Celebration

Central celebration of the World Bee Day at national level will take place within the framework of the traditional Beekeepers’ Festivity, which is organised every year on a Saturday that is closest to the 20th of May and, this year, on the very World Bee Day.

When to
Where Presidential Palace, Prešernova 8, Ljubljana

‘Golden Bee’ Award Presentation

The third presentation of the ‘Golden Bee’ / Zlata čebela (Aurea Apis) Award will take place this year, thus concluding the first 3-year period of the areas in which the Republic of Slovenia is granting the Award.