Slovenia with its "Honeycomb of Words" at the Frankfurt Book Fair with 65 authors
During the fair, which will take place from 18 to 22 October, there will be around 100 events in the Slovenian pavilion and at the stand, as well as numerous events outside the fair in the city itself.
These will take place at 22 different locations in Frankfurt during the fair and are also expected to number around 100. In total, there will be 250 events. However, the activities are not limited to the time of the fair. Many events, also in other German cities and Austria, as well as in Slovenia, are already taking place in the months leading up to the fair and will continue to take place after this year’s FBF closes its doors.
Among the 65 authors who will be presenting at the FBF in the name of Slovenia, the fair’s Guest of Honour, there will be 34 female authors and 31 male authors whose works have been translated in the last two years. According to curator Miha Kovač, Slovenia will be the third FBF guest country to present more female than male authors at the fair.
Minister of Culture Asta Vrečko announced in Ljubljana that Slovenia will present itself at the highest level at the FBF, which goes far beyond a book fair, as an open country at the crossroads of cultures, with a sustainable and solidarity-based approach.
The biggest event during the FBF will be the concert of Laibach with their Alamut project. The arrival of Aleksander Čeferin, President of UEFA, is also announced.
Today, Slovenia presented its indicative programme in Frankfurt. In the introduction to the well-attended press conference, which was kicked off by a performance by double bassist Tomaž Grom, FBF Director Juergen Boos pondered what makes Slovenia stand out and what are its special features. He listed everything from cuisine to sport, and because of its location, through which different people pass, he attributed to it the role of an observer and linked Slovenian poetry and its literary festivals to this.
Preparations for Slovenia’s participation as Guest of Honour at Frankfurt Book Fair 2023 have been underway since 2016 when the first study trips of German publishers to Slovenia began. Slovenia will spend a total of €7 million on the Honorary Guest project at the FBF, which is provided by the Ministry of Culture.