Prime Minister Golob: No system works without dedicated people
"Aid must be fair and we must give priority to those who have lost everything. Our first objective is to find the families who have been displaced, who have no living conditions, to help them survive the winter and build a new home. But others will not be forgotten either", stressed the Slovenian Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Golob recalled that anyone affected by the floods, regardless of their social status, can apply for help already today through the Red Cross and Caritas: "These are the two humanitarian organisations that have already received part of the funds from the State for emergency aid. This is not mutually exclusive. One is emergency aid the other is systemic aid provided for under the law." Mr Golob also stressed that the State would not forget the businesses. Unfortunately, production cannot be restarted in such a short time and the State needs information on what companies need most to get back on their feet. "I believe that here solidarity will come to the fore when the need arises. Since Friday, we have been talking about measures. Today we are focusing on needs," he said.
Secretary General of Slovenian Red Cross Cvetka Tomin thanked the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for having quickly and effectively recognised the Red Cross as a partner that can also provide financial support to the affected people through emergency aid. "Humanitarian commissions of Caritas Slovenia and the Slovenian Red Cross are being set up in cooperation with the municipalities, which know their areas best, in order to harmonise the criteria, so that everyone benefits from the aid and no one is left behind," emphasised Cvetka Tomin.
The Secretary General of Caritas Slovenia said that 4000 of the most affected households had been identified on the ground and were in real need of assistance. In many places, the conditions vary considerably. Some have already started to rebuild, while in other areas there is still a metre of mud and sludge. There are also areas yet to be discovered. Caritas is helping with food and emergency supplies, and is also starting to distribute financial aid. But they stress that no emergency of such magnitude can be solved without the solidarity of all people.
The Prime Minister then met with the Mayor of the Mengeš Municipality, Bogo Ropotar, and visited the destroyed kindergarten and other damaged buildings. According to the Prime Minister, no municipality can face all the challenges brought by the severe weather alone, and so the State, as a guarantor of solidarity, will ensure assistance and cooperation between municipalities. For the first time in history, the State has taken over the financing of interventions and some municipal tasks, as these moments of crisis are not the right time to discuss who is responsible and who is not.
"Today I was able to see for myself what the Mengeš firefighters have achieved. I think it is incredible and I feel honoured to have met these men. Words are not enough to express my gratitude," said Prime Minister Golob after the meeting with the representatives of the Mengeš Fire Brigade. He also stressed that we have a civil protection system, but no system works without dedicated people. Nature will continue to test us and we as a society must be prepared.