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Slovenia announced its presidency of the Barcelona Convention

In Istanbul, Turkey, the last intensive preparations are underway for the 23rd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP23). Slovenia will host the 23rd meeting in December 2023 and take over the two-year presidency of the Barcelona Convention for the period 2024-2025.

The Barcelona Convention is the only regional multilateral legal framework for the protection of the Mediterranean marine and coastal environment.

In his video address, the Minister of Natural Resources and Spatial Affairs, Uroš Brežan, highlighted the following priority issues for Slovenia's presidency of the Barcelona Convention as part of the presentation of Slovenia's preparations for COP23: strengthening regional cooperation for responsible management of coastal resources in the Mediterranean, implementation of a sustainable EU blue economy in connection with spatial planning in river basins, the coastal and maritime areas ("from the source to the sea" principle), and the active involvement and participation of young people.

Among other things, Minister Brežan emphasised the need to establish more effective cooperation between the Danube, Black Sea and Mediterranean regions due to increased environmental threats.

During Minister Brežan's address, the logo for the Slovenian presidency of the Barcelona Convention was unveiled.

Slovenia's COP23 logo highlights the importance of caring for ecosystems and their preservation in times of increasing effects of climate change by taking account of blue and green corridors in modern spatial planning.