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Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration visits the National Computer Security Incident Response Team

On Tuesday, 17 October 2023, representatives of the Information Security Task Force from Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration visited the Slovenian Computer Emergency Response Team. The discussion revolved around cooperation and plans for future collaboration.

Initially, the Head of National Computer Security Incident Response Team (SI-CERT) Gorazd Božič provided insight into the current cybersecurity incident statistics. He particularly emphasized observations on the rising trend of phishing and smishing attacks. He then discussed strategies for preventive action, their operations, and public awareness.

The Head of the Cybersecurity Division and the Head of Information Security Task Force at the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) Samo Tomažič presented SNSA's approaches to addressing the challenges of cybersecurity in the nuclear sector. He introduced the planned SNSA response in the event of a cyber-attack which could result in an emergency event in the nuclear sector. He also mentioned cooperation with the USA and the signing of a memorandum of understanding in the field of cybersecurity in the nuclear sector, which will enable Slovenia to acquire valuable knowledge and equipment to successfully address challenges in this area.

The discussion also touched on joint cybersecurity inspections in nuclear facilities, updates in the European Network and Information Security Directive 2 (NIS 2 Directive), and changes and amendments to the Information Security Act as well as the preparation of a new National Response Plan for Cyber Incidents.

Special attention was also given to professional and staffing challenges in the field of cybersecurity. It was emphasized that despite advancements in technology and strategies, the shortage of adequately trained staff is a significant challenge. To achieve a higher level of security, it is essential to invest joint efforts in education and training as well as cooperation between domestic and foreign stakeholders and raising awareness about increasing cyber threats.

group photo of eleven members standing in front of the conference desk

Representatives of SNSA and SI-CERT | Author Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration