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Minister Jevšek at the meeting of the General Affairs Council dedicated to cohesion policy

Minister Jevšek has participated at the meeting of the EU ministers responsible for cohesion policy. The ministers have approved the conclusions on the future of cohesion policy. The conclusions will serve as a basis for the discussions and the work on the legislative framework for cohesion policy after 2027.

Z leve: Minister dr. Aleksander Jevšek v pogovoru s parlamentarnim sekretarjem Malte Chrisom Bonettom

Minister Jevšek and Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds from Malta Chris Bonett | Author Council of the EU

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The ministers agreed that cohesion policy should stay the key pillar of the EU and that it should continue to pursue the core objectives of strengthening the economic, social, and territorial cohesion of the EU and reducing regional disparities. The ministers also called for a more targeted and flexible support to less developed regions.

''Each region is unique in its own right and has distinct needs. We should focus more on the specific needs and challenges of the regions in the future, while striking the right balance between national and regional development strategies,'' underscored Minister Jevšek in his intervention.

He expressed support for the efforts to further simplify the management of cohesion policy while guaranteeing high standards for the prevention of and the fight against fraud and corruption. He warned that ''despite considerable efforts made to reduce administrative burdens, the latter persist both at the EU level and in member states.''

Minister Jevšek stressed that Slovenia remained a steadfast supporter of a strong and resilient cohesion policy: ''We support the proposals for further strengthening of cohesion policy, for bringing it closer to the citizens and for ensuring a more effective implementation of the policy.''

The ministers also exchanged views on the closure of the 2014-2020 programming period and the relevant programmes. Minister Jevšek said that Slovenia was on its way to successfully close the 2014-2020 period. He also thanked the European Commission for having approved the 100 million euros advance payment under the EU Solidarity Fund that will support Slovenia’s post-flood recovery.