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Slovenian candidate Beti Hohler elected ICC judge

Nominated by Slovenia, Beti Hohler was elected as a judge of the International Criminal Court at the 22nd session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute.
delegacija stoji, v sredini Beti Hohler, Marko Štucin

Slovenian delegation in New York headed by State Secretary Marko Štucin at the election of Beti Hohler | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

The 22nd session is taking place in New York, attended by representatives of the States Parties, observers, international organisations and civil society. At the session, 123 States Parties elected six new judges of the International Criminal Court.

Among the 13 candidates was Beti Hohler, nominated by Slovenia. She is an established expert in substantive international criminal law and procedure with both professional and academic experience in the field of international criminal justice.

Candidates for judicial office are chosen from among persons of high moral character, impartiality and integrity who possess the qualifications required in their respective States for appointment to the highest judicial office. They must have professional standing in substantive and procedural criminal law and experience in criminal proceedings as judges or prosecutors, lawyers or other similar positions, or professional standing in relevant areas of international law, such as international humanitarian law, human rights law, and extensive professional experience in the areas of law relevant to the judicial work of the Court, including an excellent knowledge of at least one of the working languages of the Court (English and French).

Beti Hohler was elected by the required two-thirds majority of the votes of the States Parties in a fiercely competitive process and in accordance with the applicable conditions and rules, which also seek to ensure geographical and gender balance, to represent the world’s major legal systems and to include judges with legal experience in specific areas, including violence against women and children.

The ICC consists of 18 judges. Their term of office is nine years.