EU funding for flood risk reduction
As part of this EU-funded project, the Slovenian Water Agency will carry out a series of non-structural flood management measures to reduce flood risk in three out of six areas of significant impact of flood in the Vipava River basin, i.e., the area of significant impact of flood Vrtojba-Šempeter pri Gorici, the area of significant impact of flood Vipava and the area of significant impact of flood Renče. The project will also include the preparation of a comprehensive hydrological hydraulic study for the Vipava River basin. This comprehensive study will address the entire river basin comprising the sources, the confluence with the Soča River and all tributaries, and will serve as a basis for finding the various solutions to reduce flood risk in the Vipava River basin. At the same time, structural flood management measures will be identified; the latter will be carried out as part of stage two of the project that seeks to reduce flood risk in the Vipava River basin in a comprehensive manner.
The project will be implemented under Slovenia's Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027, under the specific objetive Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches.
The project is worth a total of 12,247,119.60 euros; it will receive a contribution from the European Regional Development Fund amounting to over 10.3 million euros, more specifically 10,366,093.54 euros.