86th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
The Government adopted the proposed Act on the Implementation of the EU Regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services (the EU’s Digital Services Act), which is essential for creating a secure, predictable and trustworthy online environment. The Digital Services Act lays down the rules of operation for intermediary service providers, for example providers of internet access. In Slovenia, these include Telekom Slovenije, T2, A1 and Telemach. It also provides rules for online platforms, such as Facebook, X and Instagram, and online marketplaces, such as Bolha in Slovenia. However, the Digital Services Act does not apply to online media whose content in Slovenia will continue to be regulated by the Mass Media Act.
In the draft Act, the Agency for Communications Networks and Services (AKOS) is designated the competent authority for the implementation of the Digital Services Act in Slovenia (i.e. Digital Services Coordinator). The Agency will, among other things, oversee the abovementioned providers’ compliance with the Digital Services Act, and will also award the status of trusted flagger to those submitting notices about illegal practices online. The adoption of the draft Act will enable the removal of illegal online content. The proposed act provides for jurisdiction to remove illegal content from the web, but this does not apply to online media, as they are subject to media law. With the proposed act, Slovenia is responding to the need to adapt the online environment in order to strengthen security and trust in digital services.
The Government adopted a Resolution on the participation of the Republic of Slovenia in the procedure for rendering an Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice in The Hague on the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
In accordance with international humanitarian law, Slovenia will focus on the occupying power’s obligations to establish and maintain law, order and security in the occupied territory, and on the legal consequences for breaches of these obligations.