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GOVSI Podcast: Non-permanent seat on of the UNSC is also a result of our responsible engagement in the EU and NATO

In the first episode of the GOVSI podcast, host Boštjan Lajovic hosts Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, and Marjan Šarc, Minister of Defence.

This year Slovenia celebrates 20 years since joining the European Union and NATO, and on 1 January this year Slovenia became a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the second time in its history.

In 2004, we therefore achieved two key objectives of Slovenian post-independence policy. Expectations were high, but what has been the journey? How have 20 years of EU and NATO membership affected Slovenia's development? What will be the role of both integrations in a changing global world and what can Slovenia expect from a non-permanent membership of the UNSC?

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