Director of Government Communication Office at seminar on digital diplomacy: Transparency is crucial for democracy
Participants included 46 government communicators from 20 countries, along with nine international experts from organizations such as CEP, DigiTips, META, and the U.S. State Department. The training began with an introductory discussion. U.S. Ambassador Jamie L. Harpootlian and Petra Bezjak Cirman, the Director of the Government Communication Office, shared their perspectives on the importance of digital communication.
Ambassador Harpootlian highlighted how social media facilitated her understanding of Slovenia and connecting with its residents. Director Bezjak Cirman explained that the key responsibilities of Government Communication Office include ensuring government transparency and developing and implementing communication campaigns related to the government’s top priorities. In recent years, various social media platforms have played an increasingly significant role, and Government Communication Office has also expanded its digital toolkit to include a government podcast.
Bezjak Cirman emphasized that transparent communication about policies, initiatives, and values strengthens a government’s legitimacy and credibility. She stated, “I believe transparency is essential for democracy, allowing people to trust the government and its institutions. During last year’s floods, timely, accurate, and accessible information was crucial for people’s safety and self-protection. We used both traditional and social media to reach a wide audience.”
The EDDE project aims to enhance the digital competencies of government communicators.