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Minister Fajon at the Globallis Student Association round table on Slovenia's 20 years in the EU

Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon participated in a round table discussion at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana to mark the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's EU membership. The event was organised by the Student Association for International Relations Globallis.
ministrica govori na okrogli mizi

Minister Tanja Fajon | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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This year marks Slovenia's 20th anniversary of EU membership, providing an opportunity for reflection on its contributions within the Union thus far and for contemplating future directions. As part of the anniversary celebrations, the Globallis Association organised a round table to discuss Slovenia's current position and future prospects.

Commenting on the low turnout in the last European Parliament elections, Minister Fajon said that the challenge lies mainly with the younger generation, who are less likely to vote. "That is why this year we will focus on young people and bring European politics closer to them. A change in communication strategies would be an important step forward, as historical memory is distant for the younger generation. We need to explain to young people the opportunities the EU offers, but we also need to be aware that the geopolitical situation is propelling us toward a stronger, enlarged, resilient and competitive Europe," said the Minister.

The Minister also spoke about Slovenia's success in promoting its interests in the European Union, and about the obstacles that stand in the way. "If we understand our goals, we can make progress with compromises and small steps. Alliances and the power of domestic politics to steer priorities are important. The challenge comes when we are not aware of our own role within the European Union. Europe offers us numerous opportunities, which we have to adapt to our own interests. As a small state, Slovenia is currently one of the most vocal advocates of peace in Gaza. We are part of a group of countries that have been very vocal and persistent in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, pointing out violations of international and humanitarian law and in seeking a way to a two-state solution that would ensure the security of the people in the region," the Minister stressed.

On the question of introducing qualified majority voting in the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, the Minister said that "it is essential to enhance our rapid response capabilities in light of global challenges. It is vital to make effective use of existing mechanisms without changing the Treaties, while safeguarding national interests."

The event was also attended by Igor Mally, State Secretary for European Affairs in the Prime Minister's Office; Dr Jerneja Jug Jerše, Head of the European Commission Representation in Slovenia; Ambassador Ivo Vajgl, former Foreign Minister, Ambassador and MEP; and Prof. Dr Ana Bojinović Fenko, Center of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences.

"I want Europeans to emerge stronger, more resilient and more competitive in the future. We must invest in knowledge, innovation and development, while steadfastly upholding our core values: democracy, solidarity, the rule of law and human rights. This, indeed, is Europe's strength; this, indeed, is Europe's soft power", concluded the Minister.