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Citizens of other Member States of the European Union can apply to vote in the elections for the European Parliament in the Republic of Slovenia

Citizens of other EU Member States can vote in the European Parliament elections in Slovenia. They must first request to be entered in the voting rights register and their names will be added to the electoral register.

The conditions for registration in the voting rights register and, consequently, in the electoral register are as follows:

  • 18 years of age on the polling day,
  • registered permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia on the basis of a valid residence permit,
  • a request for entry in the voting rights register, which can be made at any time, either in person or by post, to:

The electoral registers for the European Parliament elections will be drawn up on the basis of the voting rights register as at 24 May 2024. Citizens of other EU Member States who wish to cast their vote in the Republic of Slovenia are advised to submit their request as soon as possible. Requests made after 24 May 2024 will not be considered for this election.  

The request must contain the following information:

  • name and surname of the voter,
  • personal identification number (EMŠO),
  • citizenship,
  • permanent residence (or temporary residence) in Slovenia,
  • residence abroad,
  • details of the country and place or electoral district where the voter was last registered to vote in another Member State of the European Union, if known,
  • a signed statement that he or she will exercise the right to vote in the European Parliament elections in the Republic of Slovenia.

When making a request, the voter must prove his or her identity and provide proof of nationality. Proof of citizenship of a Member State of the European Union is a travel document, a certificate of nationality, a birth certificate or other identification document if it proves the voter's citizenship.

Entry in the European Parliament electoral register

Statistics as at 29 April 2024

In the period from 11 March 2024, when activities related to the elections started, to 29 April 2024, a new registration request was submitted by 262 citizens of other Member States.

There are currently 1,083 voters from other Member States registered in the voting rights register, namely:

Country of citizenship Male Female Number
Austria 16 10 26
Belgium 15 5 20
Bulgaria 29 20 49
Croatia 277 277 554
Cyprus 0 0 0
Czech Republic 2 5 7
Denmark 2 2 4
Estonia 0 1 1
Finland 0 0 0
France 17 13 30
Germany 58 49 107
Greece 3 0 3
Hungary 9 23 32
Ireland 3 5 8
Italy 97 36 133
Latvia 0 1 1
Lithuania 0 5 5
Luxembourg 0 0 0
Malta 0 1 1
Netherlands 10 9 19
Poland 3 11 14
Portugal 5 2 7
Romania 11 16 27
Slovakia 3 12 15
Spain 6 9 15
Sweden 2 3 5
TOTAL  568 515 1.083