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16 nominees for this year's Golden Bee Award

The fourth Golden Bee Award will be presented this year. The award committee received 16 applications from 11 countries for achievements in the promotion of bees and wild pollinators.

The Golden Bee award committee will select the winner from a total of 16 nominees. The applications were sent from Slovenia (six applications), Great Britain (two applications) and one application from each Spain, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Malta, Australia, Germany, Egypt, Greece and Kenya.

With the award, the Republic of Slovenia promotes, supports and enhances activities, innovation and excellence of individuals or legal persons who have made a significant contribution to protecting bees and other pollinators and raising awareness of their importance around the globe.

It is our ambition to make the Golden Bee Award the most recognisable award for international achievements in the field of bees and other pollinators. The award strengthens the reputation of Slovenia as a beekeeping, green and biodiverse country promoting food security, sustainable agriculture and nature protection nationally and internationally. With World Bee Day and the Golden Bee Award, it promotes the transfer of knowledge and technology and increases the global visibility of Slovenia as a green, healthy, proactive and innovative country.

The award is given for a successful project in one of the following areas:

  • the promotion of bees and other pollinators,
  • the preservation of bees and other pollinators, and
  • research on bees and other pollinators.

Prof. Lucas Alejandro Garibaldi from Argentina received the first award in 2021 for the promotion of bees and other pollinators. President of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association Boštjan Noč received the award in 2022 for the preservation of bees and other pollinators, while Serbian scientist David Davidović received the award in 2023 for research on bees and other pollinators.

All nominees for the 2024 Golden Bee Award will be presented on the World Bee Day website.

About the award

Golden Bee is the highest national award for the protection of bees and the recognition of the role of bees and other pollinators in ensuring food security, sustainable agriculture, nature conservation, biodiversity and cultural heritage. The award promotes and supports the innovation and excellence of individuals or legal persons who have made a significantly important contribution to protecting bees and other pollinators and raising awareness of their importance around the globe. It also encourages further activities in relation to the work and outstanding achievements of individuals or legal persons in these areas.