Migration dominates Minister Poklukar’s discussion agenda in Malta
They discussed topical migration issues, including preparations for the implementation and operationalisation of the Pact on Migration and Asylum, as well as the fight against terrorism and cybercrime.
Meeting with the Maltese Minister
The two Ministers agreed that both their countries faced similar challenges, particularly in the area of migration, which require a common and rapid response. Cooperation with third countries is key and has an important impact on reducing migration flows.
The Ministers devoted particular attention to the Pact on Migration and Asylum, where Member States share the same objective – the full implementation and convergence of asylum and migration systems in all Member States. "This must be followed by the establishment of an efficient and reliable information system, as interoperability is one of the key elements in the implementation of the Pact," said Minister Poklukar, adding that Slovenia was stepping up its activities at national level to ensure the swift and effective transposition of the new EU legal framework into national legislation.
The Ministers also discussed cybercrime and information security and disinformation.

Maltese and Slovenian Minister of the Interior Byron Camilleri and Boštjan Poklukar | Author Ministry for Home Affairs, Security and Employment Malta
Meeting with Nina Gregori, Executive Director of the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA)
The Minister and the Executive Director of EUAA described their cooperation as good and effective. In addition to the regular activities, in which the experts of the Ministry of the Interior have been involved since the establishment of the Agency, the cooperation was further strengthened in December 2022 with an Operational Plan, on the basis of which the Agency is providing Slovenia with operational support in the field of asylum, reception and temporary protection until the end of June this year. "Your support has been a great asset to us, bringing help, new experience and recommendations for improving some of our work processes, which will be translated into regular practice."
They went on to discuss the Pact on Migration and Asylum. As Executive Director Gregori said, the EUAA will provide full support to Member States in implementing the new rules in a coordinated manner.

Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar and Executive Director of the European Union Asylum Agency Nina Gregori | Author European Union Agency for Asylum