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Prime Minister Robert Golob: Investing in rail infrastructure among key challenges

Prime Minister Robert Golob today participated as a keynote speaker in the ceremony marking the completion of the Maribor-Šentilj-Slovenian state border railway upgrade project.
People gathered for the ceremony in front of the tunnel

Completion ceremony of the Maribor-Šentilj railway line upgrade project | Author STA/Bor Slana

This is an important achievement, as the project increases the capacity and transport capacity of the line, while the construction of off-grade road-rail crossings also increases the level of road safety.

The Prime Minister began by stressing the importance of planning the rail network as the backbone of future infrastructure. "Rail has always been a symbol of progress. In the past, this symbol of progress came to Slovenia from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but today we are proving that Europe is a source of progress, helping Slovenia to build its railway infrastructure," he remarked.

"This is the best proof of how joining the European Union 20 years ago was, alongside gaining independence, in fact one of the most pivotal moments in our national history. Not only because of the values that the European Union embodies, but also because the European Union is based on the rule of law, human rights and the social state. These are the foundations of any progressive and open society. The European Union brings economic progress and prosperity for its citizens," said the Prime Minister.

The project is co-financed with €128.6 million from the European Cohesion Fund and €13 million from the Climate Change Fund. Slovenia has successfully absorbed funds in the last cohesion period.

"I want us to be successful in also the next cohesion period. I am confident that we will not only absorb but also realise as many similar investments as possible. The aspect of this investment that truly impresses me is that the money has been spent wisely and it is an example of how to plan future development, how to repurpose an old route, in this case for cycling," said the Prime Minister, adding that this is an example from which many positive practices can be drawn.

The Prime Minister added that investing in rail infrastructure is one of the key challenges for the Government in the next period. Slovenia has an exceptional geostrategic location and thus important natural advantages. "By investing in and building rail infrastructure, we will be able to exploit this natural advantage for the benefit of our citizens," added Prime Minister Golob. He also thanked the Slovenian designers and contractors for their work.

"This is proof that we can achieve, and we do achieve," concluded the Prime Minister.