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Presentation on economic diplomacy at the Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business Ljubljana-Vič

Slobodan Šešum, Director-General for Economic and Public Diplomacy, explained to business representatives from the Ljubljana, Brezovica, Dobrova - Polhov Gradec, Horjul, Ig, Škofljica and Velike Lašče municipalities how economic diplomacy can help businesses penetrate foreign markets.
Slobodan Šešum predstavlja gospodarsko diplomacijo, udeleženci sedijo

Presentation on economic diplomacy at the Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business Ljubljana-Vič | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

The promotion of diplomatic support for craftspeople is part of a series of events aimed at systematically promoting the internationalisation of Slovenian businesses through the network of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and in particular within the framework of the Strategic Research and Innovation Partnerships (SRIP) between Slovenian businesses and research institutions.

At the regular event organised by the Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business Ljubljana-Vič, Slovenia’s largest regional chamber, Director-General Slobodan Šešum addressed the Chamber’s management and business representatives from various trades and professions. He explained how economic diplomacy supports them in their efforts to expand their business into foreign markets, and outlined the activities of economic diplomacy and its links with the network of diplomatic missions and consular posts. He also presented concrete examples of support for businesses through the Economic Project Fund and good practices in the internationalisation of Slovenian businesses abroad, including the Ministry's activities to date in strengthening Slovenia's economic cooperation with foreign countries and plans for the future. In this context, he invited them to participate in the planned visits of high officials accompanied by business delegations, and in international business events, as both can provide business opportunities. He also invited export companies to the Slovenian Global Forum in Maribor on 3 June, where they will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Slovenian business consultants working abroad.

Tilen Petrič, President of the Ljubljana-Vič Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business, emphasised that craftspeople are interested in expanding their business to international markets and invited them to take part in the discussion. Numerous possibilities for cooperation were proposed, including promotional events in Slovenia, and many good practices of doing business abroad were highlighted, as well as opportunities for businesses to gain greater visibility in key markets through Slovenia's network of diplomatic missions and consular posts.

Recently, such discussions with companies took place during visits to regional chambers of commerce and industry in the Savinja region in April, the Primorska region in March, the Zasavje and Koroška regions in February and the Slovenian Chamber of Craft and Small Business in March, as well as during various annual meetings of members of the Strategic Research and Innovation Partnerships (SRIPs).