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Improving professional competences in culture

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Scholarships for specialised professions in culture. The European Social Fund Plus contribution stands at EUR 3 million.
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EU funding for the project Scholarships for specialised professions in culture | Author Freepik

The aim of the project Scholarships for specialised professions in culture is to improve professional competences in all age groups in the different areas of the culture field. The project will enable investment in education, skills training and lifelong learning. Participants will acquire knowledge, competences and skills that will help them to successfully enter the labour market, integrate into society and sustain their professional careers.

The project will enhance the diversity and enrich the cultural environment. Acquiring competences through training also means providing the conditions for greater cultural creativity, which is a key element for a more successful entry into the labour market.

The project is implemented under Slovenia’s EU Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027, under the priority 6 Skills and responsive labour market and pursues the specific objective Improving the quality, inclusiveness, effectiveness and labour market relevance of education and training systems including through validation of non-formal and informal learning. The beneficiary of the available EU funding is the Ministry of Culture.

The project is worth EUR 4,852,941.18, with the European Social Fund Plus contribution standing at EUR 3 million.