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Slovenia allocates an additional EUR 2.5 million in humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population

On 11 June 2024, the Slovenian Government decided to allocate EUR 2.5 million to alleviate the consequences of the conflict between Israel and Hamas and to protect the Palestinian people.

Slovenia will contribute 1 million euros through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and 1 million euros through the World Food Programme (WFP). With the additional funds, Slovenia is stepping up its efforts to improve the living conditions of Palestinians in the Middle East. 

Slovenia will also allocate up to half a million euros to projects for the medical and psychosocial rehabilitation of victims of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, or for other emergency humanitarian aid through Slovenian institutions and international development cooperation agencies.

Since the beginning of the conflict in October 2023, Slovenia has provided a total of EUR 4.3 million in aid to the Palestinian population through international organisations, of which EUR 2,550,000 through UNRWA, EUR 1,450,000 through WFP and EUR 300,000 through the International Committee of the Red Cross.

This year, Slovenia has provided material assistance to the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza in the form of food and shelter items amounting to EUR 772,065. In 2023 and 2024, Slovenia is also funding a project on mental health care and psychosocial support for Palestinian victims of the conflict, implemented by ITF Enhancing Human Security, in the total value of EUR 200,000.