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Prime Minister discusses the introduction of a preference vote with representatives of political parties

Prime Minister Golob hosted a consultation of parliamentary parties on changes to the electoral system and the introduction of a preference vote also for the election of deputies of the National Assembly. All the presidents of the parliamentary parties and the heads of the parliamentary groups were invited to the consultation.
seated panel of panellists

Prime Minister and representatives of political parties discuss introduction of preferential voting | Author STA/Daniel Novaković

"This is the initiative that has indeed received the strongest support from the electorate, and that is why it is reasonable for us to launch it. Despite the fact that it would appear to be the most complex to implement, the will of the voters was clear and we will stick to it," the Prime Minister stressed after the consultation. This is not the first attempt to change the electoral law, but now it is backed by the will of the electorate. The new starting points for the law are based on a law that was drafted in the previous mandate and achieved much political support. In line with the public debate so far, the law would be further adapted to the way MEPs are elected and further aligned with the expectations of the parliamentary parties.

A qualified majority of two-thirds of deputies is needed to amend the electoral law accordingly. "In the past, the NSi (New Slovenia) party has supported the introduction of the preference vote in principle. And provided that NSi actually goes down the path of the proposal that it has already made, I think that the matter is achievable, although it is complex", the Prime Minister said, adding, "If there are no additional requirements, conditions or changes to the proposals that have already been made, I think we can make things happen. I would really appeal to everyone to respect the will of the people when it comes to referendums. That is what referendums are about, and I believe that we will all stick to that."

Representatives of the parliamentary parties also agreed today that the NSi party would submit its proposal by the first week of September, after which they would proceed to address together some of the outstanding issues. The Prime Minister believes that, with sincere political will, a compromise can be reached that will implement the will of the electorate.

He specifically pointed out that the Government, i.e. the coalition, would soon raise other issues that voters supported in the referendums, including the cultivation and use of cannabis for medical purposes, and that some legislative solutions have already been drafted.