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111th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

The Government approved the texts of the draft act governing the measures to optimise certain procedures at administrative units and of the draft act amending the Act Determining Intervention Measures for Recovery from the Floods and Landslides of August 2023.

The draft act governing the measures to optimise certain procedures at administrative units will ensure human resources for the Slovenian business sector within the global market in a competitive way, as labour shortage has been noted in all branches of economy, with regard to both low-skilled and high-tech jobs.

The draft act introduces two solutions. It abolishes the territorial jurisdiction of administrative units for procedures related to single residence and work permits. The abolition of territorial jurisdiction of administrative units in matters related to foreigners will relieve the administrative units and staff with the greatest workload and accelerate the consideration of applications, which will improve the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy.

The draft act also provides for the optimisation and acceleration of administrative procedures for obtaining single residence and work permits for foreign workers needed by the Slovenian business sector. The proposed regulation enables foreigners to obtain a temporary permit allowing them to live and work in Slovenia pending the final decision in the procedure at the administrative unit. This will enable foreigners to more quickly enter the Slovenian labour market and integrate, and improve the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy.

The aim of the draft act amending the Act Determining Intervention Measures for Recovery from the Floods and Landslides of August 2023 is to accelerate and improve the efficiency of the determination of procedures for providing support to the residents who are on the list of areas and structures intended for removal and the construction of replacement buildings.

In order to accelerate the procedures, the amendments transfer part of the tasks related to the construction of replacement buildings to DSU, Management and Consultancy Company, d.o.o., which will, on behalf and for the account of the Republic of Slovenia, perform tasks related to obtaining the real property – in accordance with the Government's decision – intended for removal whose removal is essential and in the public interest. The draft act also regulates the mutual rights and obligations of the Government and DSU and the amount of funds for the tasks determined by the draft act.

Source: Ministry of Public Administration