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112th Session of the Government

At today’s session, the Government discussed the initial starting points for the draft Act Amending the Foreigners Act.

The main reason for drafting the amendment to the Act is to transpose the Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified employment into national legislation. The draft Act will also include amendments necessary to fulfil the obligations under the Regulation establishing a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS). The introduction of a temporary residence permit for a digital nomad will ensure the fulfilment of the commitment made in the Coalition Work Programme 2022-2026 and in the Government's Digital Slovenia 2030 strategy to promote the arrival of digital nomads. In addition, the amendment will remove the inconsistencies between certain provisions of the Foreigners Act and the Employment, Self-Employment and Work of Foreigners Act.

The Government also discussed the starting points for the draft Act Amending the Employment, Self-Employment and Work of Foreigners Act. They summarise the EU Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified employment and include amendments based on the assessment of the labour market situation. The material also contains an assessment of the situation, the reasons for the adoption of the amendment and a description of the main solutions. These include the introduction of two new conditions for granting the single residence and work permit, provisions on seasonal work in the hospitality and tourism sector, the facilitation of the employment of foreign nationals legally residing in Slovenia for reasons other than employment or work, the establishment of a new register of labour law offenders, the registration of transport by third-country employers, and the harmonisation of qualification designations with the Slovenian Qualifications Framework.

The starting points of both laws will be further discussed by the Economic and Social Council.

At today's session, the Government adopted the draft Act Amending the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act and the starting points for the draft Employee Ownership Cooperative Act.