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The European Commission praises efforts to improve the transparency of media advertising

The Government has adopted a series of recommendations and is preparing new legislative measures to improve the fairness and transparency of the state media advertising, the European Commission noted in a recent report on the rule of law in the EU.

Slovenia's efforts to make media advertising more transparent were frequently highlighted as an example of good practice, and the Commission also mentioned the recommendations adopted by the Government on the initiative of the Government Communication Office.

Recommendations for advertising campaigns by ministries, bodies within the ministries and government offices were adopted in December 2023 to establish the transparency of advertising practices that make use of public funds in Slovenia and to enforce requirements for transparent and non-discriminatory allocation of advertising funds. The Government Communication Office has formulated its recommendations in the belief that ministries, ministerial bodies and government offices have a duty to act with the due diligence to ensure transparent and rational use of public funds, the measurability and monitoring of results, and to act responsibly in the media buying process. This is the only way to justify the use of budget funds and the efficiency of media buying. For advertising campaigns costing more than EUR 50,000 including VAT, state authorities must obtain the Government’s approval and submit an annual report on the campaigns carried out. Petra Bezjak Cirman, Director of the Government Communication Office, welcomed the fact that the European Commission has highlighted the measures as one of the best practices at the EU level.

Reports on the 2023 advertising campaigns (in Slovenian) have already been published.