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Government gives green light to amended Programme of Development Incentives for Border Problem Areas

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has adopted amendments to the Programme of Development Incentives for Border Problem Areas in the 2022-2025 Period.

The amendments usher in new measures and partly modify the existing measures to halt depopulation, manage population ageing and tackle other demographic challenges as well as to boost the development of border problem areas by improving the quality of life, enhancing transport accessibility and accessibility to services, and improving the economic situation in these areas. 

The new measures focus on tourism by supporting the development of public tourism infrastructure and fostering the progress of private tourist accommodation options with a higher value added and on improving the demographic situation by supporting the revitalisation of public infrastructure buildings and loans for public infrastructure investment projects. The new public infrastructure development measures that are incorporated in the Programme are designed specifically for municipalities and address multiple goals of the Programme at the same time, thus contributing to the achievement of the overall goal of improving the demographic situation and boosting the development of border problem areas.    

The amended Programme is worth a total of EUR 170.73 million, the budget consisting of EUR 81.73 million in grants and EUR 89 million in reimbursable funding. Out of EUR 89 million, EUR 40 million are managed by the Slovenian Regional Development Fund and the Slovene Enterprise Fund and are not additionally charged to the state budget.