A country is only as strong as its development regions
Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development Dr Aleksander Jevšek | Author National Council of the Republic of Slovenia
"We live in a time of complex geopolitical and global challenges. Today, we need to know our task and not just stand still but address the challenges. The answer is in the palm of our hands. We need a strong state. For me, as the Minister responsible for cohesion and regional development, a country is only as strong as its development regions. The Osednjeslovenska region is extremely strong. But when I look at other development regions, I see that we have a serious challenge which, if we choose to do so, we can meet in the next decade," said Minister Jevšek in his opening address.
In his opening address, the Minister also answered the question of how to adequately solve the challenge we have been trying to address for the last thirty years. "By making a clear political decision that balanced regional development is one of the key priorities for the next decade. For me, balanced regional development means high value-added jobs within 30 km of home, a healthy and safe environment, and a strong set of social activities and services. That is what we are striving for. In all twelve development regions."