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State Secretary Štucin holds political consultations in Armenia and participates in the Yerevan Dialogue

State Secretary Marko Štucin attended the Yerevan Dialogue Conference in Armenia, held under the auspices of the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and held political consultations.
Štucin na odru, med več govoric, sedi in razpravlja

State Secretary Marko Štucin attended the Yerevan Dialogue Conference in Armenia | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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At the Yerevan Dialogue, State Secretary Štucin participated in a panel on "Multilateralism of Democracies: How Small and Medium-Sized Democracies Can Strengthen Each Other’s Resilience". In his intervention, he highlighted the European Union as an example of good and successful cooperation between small and medium-sized democracies at the regional level. This is also one of the topics countries will be able to discuss on 25 September 2024 at the High-Level Debate on Leadership for Peace, hosted by Slovenia during the current presidency of the UN Security Council in September.

The State Secretary also held political consultations with Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, Vahan Kostanyan, and continued the bilateral dialogue established between on the margins of this year's Bled Strategic Forum. They discussed the good bilateral relations between Slovenia and Armenia, Armenia's European perspective, current geopolitical developments and Slovenia's role as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

State Secretary Marko Štucin also met with Deputy Foreign Minister Paruvir Hovhannisyan, with whom he explored the possibilities of deepening economic cooperation between the two countries and discussed the EU enlargement process.