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Prime Minister Golob: "Slovenia accepts a responsible task, entrusted with the key to stability and peace"

In a press statement today, Prime Minister Golob spoke about the new line-up of the European Commission and the role entrusted to Slovenia. "It is a high-responsibility duty. By getting the Enlargement portfolio, Slovenia has been entrusted with the key to ensuring stability and peace not only in the Western Balkans, but also in Eastern Europe," he said and added that the portfolio also included the reconstruction of Ukraine.
The Prime Minister at the lectern

Prime Minister Robert Golob | Author Žan Kolman/KPV

The Prime Minister thanked all the actors who have contributed to this important role of Slovenia in the European Commission. "I am proud of Slovenia and I would like to thank all the previous governments, but above all the citizens. The added value we bring to this portfolio is our story of success in the last 20 years," concluded Prime Minister Robert Golob.

Please find below a written statement from Prime Minister Robert Golob:

"Today, the President of the European Commission presented the line-up of the new European Commission. I have spoken to President Ursula von der Leyen on several occasions during the process, including, at length, about the fact that enlargement is one of the most important portfolios in this mandate of the European Commission. Today it was entrusted to Marta Kos, who was nominated by the Government as a candidate for European Commissioner. The enlargement process has been blocked for 12 years, since Croatia joined the European Union. The recent enlargement of the Union has taken on a geopolitical dimension of its own, so this mandate will lay the foundations for further enlargement, or else there will be no enlargement at all.

This is proof that Slovenia is trusted and respected in international politics. Our mission, our basic commitment in international politics, has always been and will always be 'stability and peace'. This is what we stand for in the European Council and in the Security Council, and this is what the whole world recognises. We will continue with our mission."